总会有一个 很多 happening in the Doane community — more than typically can fit into a few long articles or enewsletter blurbs. 让你了解更多校园活动, 学生的成功, 教职工成就和校友成就, 我们将开始每月发布更多的短篇内容, 让读者更多地了解澳门威尼斯人网址 令人惊异的


James “JB” Beatty ’70 to be inducted into African American Golfers Hall of Fame

Jim Beatty holds up both arms to wave to the crowd at the 2021 Doane 首页coming football game. 在他后面的是博士. 罗杰·休斯,Doane总裁,和比蒂的妻子,艾琳·比蒂.
詹姆斯·比蒂 ’70 holds up both his arms to wave at the crowd during Doane's 2021 首页coming football game, 在那里他获得了荣誉D奖, 这是澳门威尼斯人网址运动员的最高奖项. 和他在一起的是他的妻子,1971年的艾琳·克莱·贝蒂. 

Beatty and 14 other Black golfers will be recognized for their achievements and support of the sport at the 19th Annual African American Golfers Hall of Fame Leadership Conference, 于5月25日至29日在棕榈滩举行, 佛罗里达.

Bringing golf opportunities to communities of color — by supporting existing community programs and encouraging more Black youth and adults in pursuing recreational and competitive golf — is one of Beatty's passions. 这种激情促使他在2018年成立了吉姆·比蒂高尔夫风险投资有限责任公司. He’s helped lead events supporting current and future Black golfers in Phoenix, 奥克兰和洛杉矶, 其他城市中, and initiatives to grow golf teams and play at Historic Black 大学 and Universities (HBCUs).

2021年,他组织并主持了开幕式 非裔美国人高尔夫博览会 & 论坛 在亚特兰大. Known colloquially as the Expo, Beatty is already working on the 2023, 2024 and 2025 events. 

世博会在1点左右开始,100名参与者,自那以后每年都在增长, 经济损失高达一百万美元. 2023年世博会将在肯塔基州路易斯维尔举行.

“I’m so glad I can do what I want to do, what I feel needs to be done,比蒂说.

Beatty was recognized with the Honor D award, the highest honor for a Doane athlete, in 2021. But at Doane, he was known for staying the course on a track — not for swinging a club on a course. 事实上,在他毕业之前,高尔夫从来不是他的兴趣之一.

“当我进入企业界的时候, 我看到了高尔夫的力量, 精通高尔夫球的重要性,他说.

他也是澳门威尼斯人网址的毕业生, 罗恩·詹姆斯72年, 给他介绍了这项运动, 在得梅因的一个高尔夫练习场. 这让我有机会回到奥马哈做志愿者, 他和他妻子在哪里, 艾琳·克莱,71年的贝蒂, 毕业后搬了家,还活着.

“这非常令人满足,比蒂说, 他的过去, current and future work in raising up golf as both a team and non-competitive sport. 


造福博士. 布拉德·埃尔德筹集17,000美元- 2月. 4

Dr. Brad Elder (far right) speaks with 澳门威尼斯人网址 faculty and staff during a 汤 and sandwich benefit held by Doane and 克里特岛’s Volunteer Fire Department on Saturday, 2月. 4. The event brought people together from across the region — 澳门威尼斯人网址的学生, 教职员工, 克里特岛的居民, 来自克里特岛的消防员, 威尔伯, 林肯和更远的地方,甚至更远的地方, 像博士. 拉梅什Laungani, 从布鲁克林来到澳门威尼斯人网址的人, 来纽约祝贺他10年的同事康复.
Dr. Brad Elder (far right) speaks with 澳门威尼斯人网址 faculty and staff during a 汤 and sandwich benefit held by Doane and 克里特岛’s Volunteer Fire Department on Saturday, 2月. 4. The event brought people together from across the region — 澳门威尼斯人网址的学生, 教职员工, 克里特岛的居民, 来自克里特岛的消防员, 威尔伯, 林肯和更远的地方,甚至更远的地方, 像博士. 拉梅什Laungani, 从布鲁克林来到澳门威尼斯人网址的人, 来纽约祝贺他10年的同事康复.

近300人来到澳门威尼斯人网址的乔治餐厅 & Sally Haddix Recreation and Athletic Center throughout the afternoon of Saturday, 2月. 4 .支持Dr. Brad Elder, professor of biology, 克里特岛 resident and member of 克里特岛 Volunteer Fire & 救援. Free-will donations — placed in a lock-box at the start of a line for sandwiches, 汤, 甜点和饮料, or placed in firefighters’ boots throughout the gymnasium — climbed to $8,500. 无声拍卖又筹得9000美元.

捐款有其他形式, too — all items for the silent auction were donated by companies and individuals. 当地的企业,比如林肯的史密斯菲尔德食品公司, 奥马哈的罗特拉面包店, 克里特岛的克里斯蒂娜家庭餐厅和索迪斯公司捐赠了食品. 街角酒类商店设立了一个现金酒吧,并配备了员工. 克里特岛的Ace Hardware公司借出了大型活动桌椅. 澳门威尼斯人网址的学生, 员工和管理人员帮助协调和设置活动, 提供食物和娱乐, with performances by the dance and cheer teams and emceeing by Cody Vance ’82. 克里特岛 volunteer firefighters set up and provided information for guests throughout the afternoon. 音乐家汤姆 & 韦斯表演了整整两个小时.

报道了这次事件 克里特岛新闻, 1011, KLKN 和其他人. 


Dr. 珍·博萨德完成领导内布拉斯加州

博士肖像. 珍波萨德, who has long blonde hair and is wearing a black jacket over a pale pink top and necklace.

博萨德是澳门威尼斯人网址商学院的院长,他于2月9日获得了这一奖项. 与其他29名内布拉斯加人一起完成 内布拉斯加州的领导.

The program is designed to enhance participants’ leadership skills and grow their knowledge of the challenges and opportunities facing the state. It was developed in 2005 by the 内布拉斯加州 Chamber Foundation, and is held annually. Participants meet six times a year at locations across the state to learn about economic development, 医疗保健, 农业, 教育,政府和政策. 



澳门威尼斯人网址的学生们聚集在一张点着小灯的21点牌桌周围. The rest of the room is lit by purple-hued blacklights and glows with neon streamers and decorations.
图片由Jules Damme ' 24提供,Doane品牌大使

Classrooms in the Chab Weyers Education and Hixson Lied Art building took on a whole new hue the night of 2月ruary 3 for Glow Casino. Blacklights lit up white tshirts decorated with highlighter, and streamers hanging from the ceiling. Nearly 200 students attended the event, which had plenty of games to play and $1000 in prizes. 


农业综合企业 Department announces dates for spring Lunch-and-Learn sessions

Doane’s 农业综合企业 Department will hold four Lunch-and-Learn sessions for students, 员工, alumni and friends of Doane interested in learning more about key topics facing the ag industry. 会议将在 变焦 或者亲自去.


3月7日- 12点.m. 在佩里校园中心的西餐厅

“What are employers looking for in a resume, and the do’s and don’ts of interviewing”


3月21日- 12点.m. 在佩里校园中心的西餐厅


由Joe Young, Agrilytics, LLC总裁介绍

4月5日- 12点.m. 在佩里校园中心的西餐厅



4月18日- 12点.m. 在佩里校园中心的西餐厅


由Anna Kobza和Madison Kreifels介绍,InfoFilm


2月11日,内布拉斯加州的暴风雪迫使澳门威尼斯人网址关闭校园. 16

美林大厦和周围树木的图片. There is some snow on the ground, melted in some places to show brown grass peeking through.
雪来了又走,就像天气变暖一样快. By the time this photo was made on Monday, 2月ruary 20, not much was left across campus.

一场暴风雪从夜间开始,一直持续到2月11日星期四. 16 left a broad range of snowfall across the area — as much as 11” were measured in 林肯! 留住员工, 教职员工和学生安全,远离道路, Doane closed its 克里特岛 and 林肯 campuses and 奥马哈 location for the day. 


Doane and Farm Credit Services of America scholarship opportunity for 农业综合企业

Farm Credit Services of America and Doane will again offer eight $2500 scholarships for the 2023-24 academic year to students pursuing degrees in 农业综合企业.

Candidates must be enrolled in the 农业综合企业 program on either Doane’s 克里特岛 or 林肯 campuses, 至少有3个.GPA为0,必须在2023年4月之前完成申请. 考生可以是任何级别的, 从一年级到高年级, 优先考虑爱荷华州的居民, 堪萨斯, 内布拉斯加州, 南达科他州或怀俄明州. 应用程序可以是 在这里下载 and must be submitted to Pete Poppert, assistant professor of practice in 农业综合企业 and A.R. 金尼商业和经济教授.